
Showing posts from November, 2011

One Day! "The one with the most read book on my shelf"

T he book is a heart breaking love story of the modern era. A will they won't they scenario. Remnant of When Harry Met Sally , except this wasn't going to be a happy ending. One Day  follows Emma and Dexter through their early 20's to their 40's, through ups and downs, love, laughter and tears.  It is without a doubt the most read book on my shelf, the copy with the original orange cover is dog eared and pride of place for when I feel like I need a trip with Em and Dex, to rediscover what I fell in love with the first time in 2011.  When I first read the book in 2011, the book had been released two years previously. It was in my last year of university, the book was #1 on the New York times bestseller list and it was all over book shops.  The film trailer is what ultimately got me interested in the book. I was making a habit of reading the novels before the film adaptations came out, to see what comparisons could be made between the page to premiere of the