
Showing posts from November 22, 2013

Blue Jasmine

A s Woody Allen films go this one has all the crucial ingredients of a classic: humour being the most recognisable, though at times it is incredibly dark. It also has a bleak look at relationships, amid betrayal and the backdrop and characteristic setting of New York as the filler for all the glamour within which Jasmine lives. San Francisco comes as the welcoming free spirited alter ego city to the high flying New York skyline. Jasmine has a complete mental breakdown T he story of Blue Jasmine , centres around a high flying Manhattan socialite with a fraudster husband, who among other things is an adulterer and all round con artist played by Alec Baldwin incredibly well with a great sliminess to him. Jasmine ends up living with her adoptive sister in San Francisco, Ginger (Sally Hawkins) who is a down and out character in relation to the sophisticated socialite existence Jasmine is used to. She is brought down to her sisters level, no town houses or charity functions to organ