
Showing posts from 2016

Sicario OR the most intense film I have ever seen!

J ohann Johannson's score for Sicario  has to be one of the best soundtracks of the past couple of years that works best at creating intensity in an already tense scene.  For example,  Emily Blunt's character Kate Macer is taken on a road trip of sorts in Juarez Mexico, in a black ops shootout scene to rival all shootouts in film history, whilst taking place in a stationary set of traffic waiting to re-enter America on the border of Mexico.  The music has an underlying beat and rhythm to the scene which moves slowly but tensely to a finish that creates a bloody massacre in a traffic jam that you weren't expecting to be as out in the open. It's one sided, the Americans are in full force with army like black ops kill shots, whilst the Mexican civilians around them don't even flinch, or freak out, as it is treated like a daily occurrence in Juarez. It's a simple scene that sets up the rest of the films moral greyness, which Kate becomes more and more accusto