
Showing posts from July, 2013

Comic-Con Catching Fire Official Trailer

*SPOILERS ALERT IN THIS POST*!! T he time has come to squeal, if you're a Hunger Games fan. The second book in the trilogy has it's official trailer straight from it's premiere at Comic-Con yesterday. It has finally been uploaded to the social network YouTube and broadcast worldwide, something which I think fans can be very happy about as the trailer is possibly the best and most highly anticipated film of 2013 and looks like it might be even better than the first film. As the biggest Hunger Games fan, of the books primarily, but as a big fan of the decent film adaptation of the first book The Hunger Games; I have been waiting patiently for something to whet the appetite a bit more, to hold me over until November when the film will be released. W hat can we take from this official theatrical trailer. Well for starters it sets up the world for Katniss after winning the 74th annual Hunger Games. There is a sense of a possible uprising, hope for the other

Blockbusters...who needs them in 2013.

1. The Spectacular Now I love a good high school drama that doesn't try to  be funny and doesn't attempt to fit into the same conventional archetypal high school film. A film focusing on real teenagers in real life situations is something anyone older or younger can relate to. It's been done before with The Breakfast Club, Perks of Being a Wallflower,  and possibly though not directly  10 Things I hate About You  and now The Spectacular Now . Starring Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller, relative newcomers with a back catalogue of decent dramas, this is their chance to shine, with past roles as George Clooney's daughter in  The Descendants  and the criminal son in  Rabbit Hole to name their incredible debuts into Hollywood.  This high school film focuses on adolescence in the 21st century, discovering who they are, who they could be and what they want to be. Through love, life, family, relationships. It looks like an unconventional story about two high school senio

Man of Steel is a strong first outing for Superman!

Pre-review of Man of Steel 2013  is all about Man of Steel for me, ever since I heard they were making another Superman film a good six years after Superman Returns in 2006. It was critically bashed and stank commercially,  Returns didn't really create a new franchise or build a decent career for Superman himself, Brandon Routh who completely disappeared afterwards. Anybody would have had high expectations for this new fresh faced Superman reboot, simply for the fact that Christopher Nolan who re-imagined Batman could possibly do the same for Superman. Hype during the build up to MOS High anticipation. Epic music to whet the appetite. Three incredibly well edited epic trailers later, has increased the anticipation tenfold for the release on June 14th.   The combination of Zack Snyder, Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer should equal any decent summer blockbuster since the beginning of legendary comic book films with The Dark Knight.  It would hopefully be an ori