Blue Jasmine

As Woody Allen films go this one has all the crucial ingredients of a classic: humour being the most recognisable, though at times it is incredibly dark. It also has a bleak look at relationships, amid betrayal and the backdrop and characteristic setting of New York as the filler for all the glamour within which Jasmine lives. San Francisco comes as the welcoming free spirited alter ego city to the high flying New York skyline.

Jasmine has a complete mental breakdown
The story of Blue Jasmine, centres around a high flying Manhattan socialite with a fraudster husband, who among other things is an adulterer and all round con artist played by Alec Baldwin incredibly well with a great sliminess to him.

Jasmine ends up living with her adoptive sister in San Francisco, Ginger (Sally Hawkins) who is a down and out character in relation to the sophisticated socialite existence Jasmine is used to. She is brought down to her sisters level, no town houses or charity functions to organise, or the luxury and power of entertaining, Ginger has a mundane and monotonous existence according to Jasmine.

The film is not the most eventful of Woody's films, not from the performances per se or even the plot, though at times it lags for something to push it towards the ending. But the film has one defining disaster after another, just as in life. It is definitely not the most uplifting film of the year for me, though it's dark humour is definitely welcoming and at times interesting as Woody Allen's eccentricities comes from the comedy more than the mental break downs.

Jasmine and Ginger socialising in New York
It is the downfall and complete mental breakdown of a female character still very much within the ideals and class of a socialite, living in personal denial.

Cate Blanchett rarely plays self centered narcissistic characters, never once making you feel as if she is a complete wreck and off the rails; as she believes that she is holding it together in her own crazed way, though she is a complete wreck and it is incredibly clear throughout the film.

Most of the laughs come straight from her own ordeals, with the witty and quick paced lines Woody writes for her, she elevates them completely, managing to create the dark humour needed and managing to make her seem fragile but still have a head about her.

Jasmine on the edge sat on a bench

As an audience member who frequently makes trips to the big screen to see indie type films, for a refreshing look at the intricacies of humanity; who as a whole go travelling, or creating and enjoy the magic of life. With the likes of Ruby Sparks or On the Road, Woody Allen portrayed that in Midnight in Paris so well that this film feels almost like a reality check, it's not all smelling of roses.

There is no real love for anything like that in this film, which must be the whole point Woody is putting across. The focus on the money grabbing rich socialites who have no moral backbone, oblivious to the realities of life for normal people like Ginger. The people of Wall Street in particular maybe, for the failures of humanity.

Whilst the film has the quality of a Woody Allen film with the likes of Midnight in Paris, the recently updated Woody Allen type film where the conversation and performances are understated, natural and at times funny and outrageously eccentric, Blue Jasmine is a definite reality check mixed together with dark humour and decent performances.

Check out the trailer and see for yourself Woody Allen's recent picture
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