
Batman's The Dark Knight's Joker!

Christopher Nolan knows what he's doing... A fter three successful films that explored the dynamics of a superhero whose past portrayals on the big screen had been comically and seriously portrayed through TV performances and on the big screen by Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton and absurdly by George Clooney; no one could expect a decent crime detective drama that an Academy of Motion Pictures would take seriously, but Nolan decided to make just that. And it just so happens to be one of the best trilogies in the modern era of cinema. An instantly quotable, deep and symbolic crime detective thriller, that just so happens to feature as it's guest performance, the Detective: The Batman and the scene stealer: The Joker. C hristopher Nolan's idea for this genuine and real version of storytelling did exactly this. It was to start from the very first beginnings of the comic book hero, an origin story with a slight twist, everything would be as if it was based in the reality

Wind River (otherwise known as...being a little late to the show)

W ind River was released in 2017, I missed it on the big screen, but it was on my radar, because it was from the writer & now director Taylor Sheridan, and he had created an intense emotional drama, set in a frozen wilderness in Wyoming on a Native American Reservation called Wind River. A young woman is found dead in the snow by Jeremy Renner's Cory Lambert who is a veteran tracker for the Fish & Wildlife Service. So he knows the land better than anyone. (Renner's best performance so far). And when the investigation deepens enough to bring in the FBI, Elizabeth Olsen's rookie Jane Banner (no relation to Bruce Banner aka Incredible Hulk) #Avengersreference is brought in to investigate. The film's location is a presence in the film that becomes it's own character. The snowy mountains of Wyoming is uncompromising, especially to Jane who is the nearest FBI agent flown in from Las Vegas, so she has to borrow clothes from Cory's daughter who pass

Lady Bird- pre-view

I am FINALLY watching Lady Bird  this afternoon after over 4 months of waiting for the UK release. I hate it when you get a film later than the rest of the world. Because you hear the great things about the film, but you can't watch it yet. So my anticipation for this film is at an all time high. I know the performances are going to be great because Saoirse Ronan has not made a dull film yet. I trust Greta Gerwig to produce a perfect film, she is a great performer as an actress, she writes really fully formed characters. This film is more of a personal film for her, because it's an almost auto-biographical film, it's set in Sacramento California, where Gerwig grew up as a teenager, it takes place in a Catholic school which Gerwig actually didn't attend in high school, but she wanted to add the feeling of being in an environment that is very much the place you want to rebel against as a teenager going through the angst all teens go through. I hav

Sicario OR the most intense film I have ever seen!

J ohann Johannson's score for Sicario  has to be one of the best soundtracks of the past couple of years that works best at creating intensity in an already tense scene.  For example,  Emily Blunt's character Kate Macer is taken on a road trip of sorts in Juarez Mexico, in a black ops shootout scene to rival all shootouts in film history, whilst taking place in a stationary set of traffic waiting to re-enter America on the border of Mexico.  The music has an underlying beat and rhythm to the scene which moves slowly but tensely to a finish that creates a bloody massacre in a traffic jam that you weren't expecting to be as out in the open. It's one sided, the Americans are in full force with army like black ops kill shots, whilst the Mexican civilians around them don't even flinch, or freak out, as it is treated like a daily occurrence in Juarez. It's a simple scene that sets up the rest of the films moral greyness, which Kate becomes more and more accusto

Suicide Squad!

The epic new revelatory genius comic book adaptation of DC's Suicide Squad  has been unveiled, after the version shown to the exclusive Hall H audience at San Diego's Comic-Con was leaked online. Warner Brothers have nailed almost every single comic book adaptation so far. I am rather psyched for the super villains of the DC universe to be shown on the big screen for everyone to see. Simply because this would never happen at Marvel's cinematic universe. I am obsessed with watching the trailer on repeat, to work out what is happening, and also Googling every single character on the cast list to work out which villain they're playing and which character they are the antagonist of. The main character is Batman who will be portrayed by the completely fresh and new to comic book world (other than Daredevil) Ben Affleck. The trailer score is simply sublimely meshed together with the slow build up of the trailer, which for a first look is pretty special for comic book

"Chewie, we're home"

The brand spanking new second official teaser trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens  has debuted on the internet, roughly 14 hours ago and there are many emotions that I was going through at the time and are still having now, even though I have watched it about 20 times since. John Boyega's as Finn as a Stormtrooper? "The force is strong in my family, my father has it, I have it, my sister has it, you have that power too." What we're hearing is a voice over from Luke Skywalker, it has been a long time since we have heard his voice withing the Star Wars universe, and nerdgasm's were had all over the galaxy in unison. But there is so much to be excited for, as this is simply the beginning of a one minute and 59 second teaser full of new and exciting Star Wars nuggets to be devoured. Daisy Ridley's Rey on Jakku with the new R2-D2 of the new era First off we are cruising along the new planet of Jakku, where it's most likely Daisy Ridl

Wild by Cheryl Strayed. (Or a basic example of the roles for women in Hollywood changing for the better! Keep it coming Reese!)

I am a sucker for a book that ends up being translated to the big screen. I will always watch the trailer for the film and then get so interested in the book, that I read after something like this interests me, that I wish I wasn't going to see it being portrayed on the big screen; because that is where it will most likely have cuts and edits to the story and structure and the portrayal of the characters that will completely alter what I thought about everything from my own wild imagination. But ultimately, and hopefully all filmmakers who know that a good book can translate to the big screen with the right amount of understanding for the original text, will create something that the author intended and that fans of the book can delve into with the right amount of respect for the books intensity and feeling. W ild by Cheryl Strayed, happens to be just this exact description of a memoir, the second of the books that has been translated to the big screen that is basically an