
Showing posts from 2011

The Dark Knight Rises

The day has finally arrived; just before Christmas as well, brilliant Christmas present. Christopher Nolan has delivered a corker of a first official trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. Set eight years after the end of The Dark Knight, everything appears to be on the normal side in Gotham, but as Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle/Catwoman says to Batman/Bruce Wayne "You think this can last. There's a storm coming Mr Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, cause when it hits you're all gonna wonder how you ever got to live so large and leave so little for the rest of us". This film was awarded the Most Anticipated Movie of 2012 at the Spike Awards, even before anything substantial was released for fans to feast their eyes on.                                                        First official trailer for TDKR Personally I am seriously over excited for this film, mainly because Nolan has upped the ante especially the talent in the casti

One Day! "The one with the most read book on my shelf"

T he book is a heart breaking love story of the modern era. A will they won't they scenario. Remnant of When Harry Met Sally , except this wasn't going to be a happy ending. One Day  follows Emma and Dexter through their early 20's to their 40's, through ups and downs, love, laughter and tears.  It is without a doubt the most read book on my shelf, the copy with the original orange cover is dog eared and pride of place for when I feel like I need a trip with Em and Dex, to rediscover what I fell in love with the first time in 2011.  When I first read the book in 2011, the book had been released two years previously. It was in my last year of university, the book was #1 on the New York times bestseller list and it was all over book shops.  The film trailer is what ultimately got me interested in the book. I was making a habit of reading the novels before the film adaptations came out, to see what comparisons could be made between the page to premiere of the

Stranger Magazine article from last year

Here lieth an article I wrote for Stranger Magazine in my second year when I had a work placement at Helen Gilchrist's online magazine for two weeks. It is about my all time love, Film! ahh the movies, unfortunately when I was writing this preview review, the dates for the film is always under constant change, being told one date when another source gives you a completely different date altogether. It doesn't quite help. So here is my work, enjoy.

The end is finally here

Seven parts- book, eight part- most successful film franchise of all time has officially come to an end, on the big screen; but for fans, the world of Harry Potter lives on. J.K. Rowling's wizarding world will prosper, even more (if possible) with the newly built theme park   The Wizarding World of Harry Potter   in Orlando Florida and the  Warner Brothers Studio Tour London ; which opens next spring to the public on the outskirts of London, England. It will feature the magic from the sets where they filmed  Philosopher's Stone   all the way up to the final instalment  Deathly Hallows Part 2. Showcasing the magic of the costumes, set designs, and all round hard work that went into creating the films, and ended up capturing audiences hearts and secure a thriving British film industry at it's best. Memories of Potter... When Philosopher's Stone  was released I was the mere age of 11, with the release of Deathly Hallows Part 2  I turned 21. It is accust

How to Become a Trained Bird Ringer

Bird ringing has been a fundamental element of ornithology for conservation purposes, since Danish teacher and Ornithologist Christian Cornelius Mortensen utilized it in 1899 for scientific purposes. Chris Davis Conservation Officer for the Sussex Ornithological Society explains what bird ringing does for the bird population here and abroad and the importance of it all in the scheme of things. “ The initial “driving factor behind the Ringing Scheme was the desire to find out about movements and migrations of birds". Many other countries have ringing schemes and recoveries of ringed birds were used to compile the BTO Migration Atlas. "The Scheme aims to promote research that contributes to conservation and to advancing scientific knowledge of birds,” he explained. Popularity of bird ringing As numbers of volunteers for bird ringing rose in the UK in 2006, the importance for bird ringing as an integral part of learning about bird migration patterns, and effects

The Art of Creating a Successful Business in a Small Cornish Town

Helen Gilchrist is at the top of her game. At the impressive age of 23 she worked as a freelance journalist in central London, working for Time Out magazine and the Guardian amongst many other publications. At 26 she contemplated moving from London, to develop a magazine based in the small seaside town of Penryn. It would be centred on the Cornish lifestyle, including surfing, skating and the arts. She launched Stranger Magazine in September 2004 at 27 and successfully produced 16 issues, “We had at one point over 400 distribution outlets across the country, so you could buy it at Glasgow airport,” she said. At 28 she created the brand Stranger Collective a successful copywriting company that would work with international, national and local companies, creating a distinctive relationship and reputation in the media business. A bumpy road to success In 2007, the magazine stopped producing issues, just before the recession hit “

Slapstick Festival reaches new audience

F rom Charlie Chaplin to Buster Keaton, Laurel and Hardy to Harold Lloyd; silent comedies have always connected with audiences. Where one can marvel at the spectacle of slapstick pratfalls, acrobatics and the wonderments of the original films to be seen on a big theatre screen, with an accompaniment of live music. Bristol Silents do just this, formed by Chris Daniels and Norman Taylor in 2000 it is the most established group in the country to celebrate the classics of silent cinema. Bristol based Slapstick Festival has been running for seven years where the extent of the festival has been as far reaching as southern Europe: “We've had screening at festivals in Italy,” Chris said. My personal favourite Charlie Chaplin Paul Merton’s Silent Clowns I n 2007, Paul Merton’s Silent Clowns established his long time devotion for silent comedies and its inimitable stars. Chris Daniels director of the Slapstick Festival explains how Paul Merton became involved with the Brist

Reviews for Reviewer's Scheme for Hall for Cornwall

I can't believe that I hadn't noticed that Hall for Cornwall had put up my reviews for Breakin' Convention , The Original Tribute to the Blues Brothers , The History Boys and Fiddler on the Roof  on their website. So here are the links to view my reviews, you may notice how they tend to get stronger as they go along, as Breakin' Convention  was my first review it wasn't my strongest. My last review was Fiddler on the Roof . Breakin' Convention  can be seen here :'s+BC+Review/ The Original Tribute to the Blues Brothers  can be seen here :'s%20B%20Bros%20review/ And finally Fiddler on the Roof  review can be viewed here: I don't think they posted my review of The History Boys review. But I feel it was one of my better pieces out of the lot. I thoroughly e

Fiddler on the Roof review

A classic musical set in 1905, Fiddler on the Roof follows the life of Tevye, a poor Jewish milkman, his wife and their five daughters on the cusp of revolutionary change in Russia. Redruth Amateur Operatic Society Trust manages to portray each character reliably with several, but easy to follow story arcs. The celebrated story is enthusiastically portrayed, with the three daughters falling in love avoiding the threat of traditional arranged marriages. The infuriatingly high pitched yet loving mother and the broken but idealistic father are all embodied from the original stereotypes of the characters created by Joseph Stein. Fiddler on the Roof at HFC T he infamous classics If I Were a Rich Man , Matchmaker and Sunrise, Sunset are belted out with fervent enthusiasm. With elements of intense drama, frequent comedy and affectionate romance, the imposing yet inventive sets, great period costume and occasional comedy lift the play out of the dumps. Ho