Zero Dark Thirty PRE-review

I always love hype before seeing a film. This film has been an intriguing and at most times controversial film seen by the press, especially American press. It seemed to me to be quite unbelievable that it even got made, what with secrecy when it comes to uncovering CIA operations. If you look at Argo for example and the surrounding news stories about how much you can reveal when making a film about an undercover operation.

Especially since this particular film subject focuses on the assassination of Osama Bin Laden in 2011, with only two years having passed. The film was being filmed by Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal in 2011 about the attempt to find, capture and kill the most wanted man in the world, as it had been over 10 years since 9/11; when the news broke that the Navy SEALs had found, killed and buried the body of Bin Laden in the North Arabian sea.

So with the film in progress of being made before Osama's death, the film had to stop and find out the rest of the new story about the finding and killing of the worlds most wanted man. It made the films idea even more exciting and changed the outcome of the films original premise.

Chastain's performance has won her a Golden Globe

It now became about the involvement of the 10 year hunt for Osama Bin Laden, and the story behind the finding. Notably about how quite a lot of women were involved in the hunt for Bin Laden.

Jessica Chastain plays one specific woman from the CIA whose name is obviously changed for the film, but she represents an amalgamation of many female CIA operatives working behind the scenes. Maya is played by Chastain relative newcomer (but has had the busiest two years for any actress in Hollywood and has only come to my attention with The Help and Tree of Life which I'm yet to see.

As for Bigelow - winning Best Director at the Oscars in 2009 for her tense and also focused upon the war on terror from bomb disposal units in Iraq during the Iraq war. It quite rightly won six Oscars in total that year. Whether her next film will be focused on the same subject after these two seems likely, but the aspect is unknown.

Oscar winner Bigelow directs Jennifer Ehle in Zero Dark Thiry

Pro-Torture has been a key picking point for the films subject matter - as it is seen as essentially promoting the use of it in the CIA when interrogating detainees. As substantially discussed by its star and director respectively stating that to not show the truth, the whole truth would be "whitewashing history".

We never truly knows what goes on behind enemy lines or indeed in secret services like MI5, the CIA or the FBI etc. but some people must've come forward to give little tidbits of information to garner this film with some factual events about the finding, capturing and killing of Osama Bin Laden.

When I get back to England, I'm currently in Rishikesh, I will go see the film that everyone's been talking about and make up my own mind. But as a piece of cinema, not about the story it portrays though it will make a huge part of the film its central unique selling point.


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