Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor?!

So it has been announced tonight live on national TV, and broadcast internationally for fans worldwide, that Peter Capaldi will portray the 12th incarnation of the Doctor.

In a special show Zoe Ball announced the new Doctor after celebrating the previous 11 incarnations; possibly causing the whole of the internet and Tumblr to explode from the excitement of the casting.

The day before, the BBC unveiled the new teaser trailer for series 3 of Sherlock, which revealed Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, Mycroft, Molly and John with the imminent arrival and re-appearance from Sherlock after the Reichenbach Fall where he "died".

This week has been full of exciting announcements and tonight topped it all off.

Reaction has been quick and fast with Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook. Fandom pages, websites, fans and celebrities have been voicing their opinion on the actor stepping into the shoes after Matt Smith's 11th Doctor.

Peter Capaldi's past roles includes the most famous, as profane political enforcer Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It. Which would explain why he is stood next to the TARDIS swearing.

As Doctor Who is first and foremost a children's programme, there can be no swearing with such profanity and clarity as Tucker does, but I do hope they keep Capaldi's Scottish accent, because it will add something new to the role.

Seeing as David Tennant spoke with an English dialect instead of his natural Scottish dialect, the Doctor has been played with a prim and proper English speaking voice for the past 11 incarnations. Though differing with 9th's Doctor Christopher Eccleston's northern accent and Matt Smith with his Northamptonshire accent.

A Scottish Doctor and Scottish companions with Amy Pond, it would makes sense that more should be fro the north as Moffat is Scottish himself. A fiery Doctor, an older Doctor, perhaps a father figure to Clara.

To pass the baton onto Capaldi who is 55 years old and roughly the same age as William Hartnell was when he was first cast as the first Doctor in 1963.

It took me only half an hour or less even to get used to Matt Smith's 11th Doctor in the Eleventh Hour, for me to forget all about David Tennant. I reckon if people give him a chance Peter Capaldi will bring a new direction to the Time Lord we all know and love.

Give it time!

Great Scott.
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